Im from a tiny shithole named Białogard. It got totally rekt by WW2 and commies...

Im from a tiny shithole named Białogard. It got totally rekt by WW2 and commies. Among different historical events that my town took part in is: "a war for the cow" in 1469.
Where are you from?

Attached: Bg1.jpg (1996x1121, 436.83K)

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Im from a tiny shithole named Białogard. It got totally rekt by WW2 and commies. Among different historical events that my town took part in is: "a war for the cow" in 1469.

>rekt by WW
Ah yes, here it comes. Here it comes, everyone. The "lets blame Germany" game. Here it is, here it comes, what a surprise.

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Not balming anyone.

Medium sized city within the larger urban area of Buenos Aires. It was founded by english settlers and it's named after a retarded club in england where they play a retarded sport that no one's ever heard of.

>Not balming anyone
Aaaaand the backpedaling begins! Here it comes, everyone.

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Fuck, I wouldn't do this mistake if it wasn't for your answer gay bawarian.

>gay bawarian
Ok so we've talked before huh? I just wanted to tardpost in peace

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so did you guys really fought for a cow?

I think you frogposted with (You)s to every pole that has visited this place for the last year

I like frogs

Sometimes, but very rarely, I go to /polska/ to get opinions on pic related and to my surprise it's usually only 90% vitriol and 10% germano-polish appreciation

Attached: germany cuddles polan.png (750x748, 736.44K)

Yes, 300 citizens of our town died and the enemy city captured our banner.

whereabouts in hurlingham are you from then

Damm, 300 over a cow.

>a war for the cow
heh, it had to be a really sexy cow

Kek, I'm from the not so nice part, near a rundown factory built by Mussolini's nephew

A small "city" in New England.
>the town was set on fire during the French and Indian Wars
>a man set himself on fire about a decade ago because they wouldn't let him see his kids
>the local college kids rioted and lit some property on fire during a pumpkin festival a few years ago

Proud Słupszczanin here

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