Ireland is now the most obese country in Europe
>More than a quarter of the adult population in the Republic classified as obese, according to figures published by the European Commission. The EU-wide survey of overweight rates among Europeans reveals that 26pc of Irish adults in 2019 were obese. The EU average was 16pc.
>In Ireland, people living in the Border region – which covers the counties of Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Louth, Monaghan and Sligo – are most likely to be overweight or obese. The figures show 59pc of adults in the Border region are overweight with 30pc obese. At the other end of the scale, people in the West region (Galway, Mayo and Roscommon) and the South West (Cork and Kerry) have the lowest overweight rates at 43pc with 23pc obese.

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Other urls found in this thread:
>Most posts on here are related to alcohol or takeaways.
>>Yes every second post seems to be chicken fillet rolls, fry ups, fucking spice bags. I like junk food from time to time but that stuff really seems to be the staple diet of posters here.I have seen so many times tourists asking on here what Irish foods they should try and people genuinely tell them to get "munchy boxes" and spice bags. What Irish dishes should I try? Errrr we don't really have any have you tried our butter? It's sad though, when I was in secondary school in the 90s, there wasn't one fat kid in my year, it's a totally different story now.

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hey seamus
easy on the taytos


European fat is not like American fat

This is surprising because I rarely see fat people below middle age where I am.

It makes sense that the fattest are on the Border region because they have bad Nordie habits rubbing off on them.

I've never heard of anyone here called Seamus
Yes, I'm from Cork we have less fat people than we did in the past.

>I've never heard of anyone here called Seamus
yeah sure seamus we all know that one irish guy in harry potter was called seamus

>I rarely see fat people below middle age
true but nearly every middle aged person is fat
not that I blame them, when I'm in my 50s I won't care how I look either

A lot of young people are into fitness and meal preperation now and have been for like 10 years thanks to the internet giving "perfect information" and making people more competitive. I would've thought we would've had less fat people than, say, 20 years ago when people didn't go to the gym as much, went out drinking more and ate more beige food

theres a much sharper societal divide between middle and (non) working class than there was 20 years ago

fat """""people"""""""" disgust me. I live in a city with people into fitness/eating healthy (Miami) but when I went to other parts (ie full of rednecks) I was surprised as how FAT and DISGUSTING the """people""" were.

I didn't believe the american stereotypes until then, and though they were rare outliers.

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It's actually gotten worse from 2014, the last time this was surveyed. From OP's article
>Ireland was ranked 7th with an obesity rate of 18pc when a similar survey was previously carried out in 2014.
So it went 18pc->26pc in 5 years.

How the fuck can obesity have increased anywhere but starvation countries since the 90s? How is diet getting worse?

is it possible to suffer in miami?

portions have gotten massive not surprising

See And it's not just Ireland, although their rise is the most dramatic. Most first-world countries have rising obesity. Almost every nation in the EU saw their obesity go up from 2014, except for France for some reason.

But how is this possible? How can diet be worse than it was in the 90s?

They are fattening themselves up in time for the next potato famine

Food has gotten cheaper in first-world countries, so people can afford to get fat. Also I don't know how it is in Europe but in America our food companies add addictive shit into the food so that you get a high from eating them and never feel full. This happened because we removed regulations on these companies under Reagan and Jimmy Carter, so we went from one of the healthiest nations in the 70s and 80s to amerilards by the 2010s. It should be illegal, but it's too late now.

Yes if you're a wagie.

>The fat women is clearly irish


This happened in america too after the great depression and shit peoples grandparentsover feed there kids

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This is mostly pot-bellied farmers and builders and such, not the the kind of hamplanets that obesity entails in the US. You never see anyone like that here

while there has been a massive increase in healthy eating among the young and educated, uneducated and poorer people have more access to unhealthy food than ever before