Do you ever feel short,small,fat or lacking in any other physical attribute in your cunt?

Do you ever feel short,small,fat or lacking in any other physical attribute in your cunt?

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i am short, fat, and lacking in intelligence

Just very weak.

I dont care

Russia and USA will nuke the earth eventually so who gives a damn nigga

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t. Juan el basado bebiendo 1L de cocacola con cada comida

Used to be fat and I reduce my eating habit. Somehow end up going too far and now I feels too thin.

all of this but I just don't care

is it easier for asians to diet?
you are used to eating rice as a staple and can use that when dieting
i dont think i could handle changing my diet like that


Don't know. Back then I just reduce my meat & rice intakes. Also during weekend, I just eat twice a day and skip breakfast/snack times. Nowadays I am trying to eat normally again and perhaps gain a bit.

I don't want to talk about it.

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All of this

I am short (170cm) and I also have a short ramus and mandible

Whats a ramus?


something to do with the jaw
i think he's saying he's a jawcel

Not really. I don't belive in zoomer memes like chinlet, but i do have a bit weak jaw. Looks okay from front, but stupid from the side. My actual problems are being shy, socially retarded and having no self esteem.

How do you deal with the hunger?

yes in general I have massive feelings of inferiority

The first few weeks is horrible. I mostly just distract myself, with vidyas during weekend and with job/youtube during work days. After a while, I just get used to it.

I unironically feel like a subhuman

Not really. My main complain with my body is that i'm a skeleton with probably the thinnest wrists on this board. But it doesn't bother me that much

>thinnest wrists on this board
post, im curious