Which one is considered more beautiful in your culture?

Which one is considered more beautiful in your culture?

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Each has its own aesthetic appeal. A cultured man would have both of those hanging on his walls.

Both are expressions of human art

As such both are equally valuable

I mean at least the African one is more accurate in terms of how they actually look


A cultured man would laugh at the african mask

one is ugly
one is beautiful

Reevaluate your life positions

Attached: kurenti.jpg (1024x768, 815.94K)

whats dat?

i prefer left but right is funny as heck dude it's cool


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Kaffer bullshit

same as germans have no soul and the rest of humanity have soul

Kurenti, traditional costumes of pre-Christian and pre-Slavic origin whose traditional role is to scare away winter. They're named after the god/spirit Kurent who was a messenger deity and associated with merry time


>germany 400 b.c.
oh wait

Someone actually contact these and see what happens

a culture man isn't a chudlet who needs to put down cultures to make himself feel good

Your people have no culture, you shouldn't post here.

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From my cultural perspective, left is more appealing, but right is pretty cool.
The times put beneath them is irrelevant. Especially when you consider that the guy who made this pic probably hate contemporary art.

Even worse.

Masks aren't supposed to be someone else's face

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