I am a Jomon BVLL in everything except physical

I am a Jomon BVLL in everything except physical

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Are you yayoi?

Do you live in one of the worst immigrant area?

no, goyim*

w*men are not allowed on Any Forums, gtfo

I live in Lappland
I am a man

In that case I apologize, carry on

No prob, b.

its a schizo woman with lots of issues

im yaoi

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My Japanese wife is jomon

This meme was started by some hungarian leftist.

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My gf is jomon too, based

Pls post body and benis
I luv swede boys :3

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Phew you're really young arent you? Younger than 18 i bet. You still have that nordic thing of the nose growing before the rest of the face. Cute.

you look like sex

That ain’t him brother that’s the Russian twink that posts here all the time

I broke my nose

so cute

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Where do people like this exist?

cute vinland sage boy

I can't believe someone on Any Forums lied to me

Russia and Sweden

Weeb faggot

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I haven't seen a single person like this ever

that must mean you are the person like that