Germans developed a special contempt for the Canadian Corps, seeing them as unpredictable savages...

>Germans developed a special contempt for the Canadian Corps, seeing them as unpredictable savages. In the final weeks of the war, Canadian Fred Hamilton would describe being singled out for a beating by a German colonel after he was taken prisoner. “I don’t care for the English, Scotch, French, Australians or Belgians but damn you Canadians, you take no prisoners and you kill our wounded,” the colonel told him.

>“Merry Christmas, Canadians,” said the opposing Germans, poking their heads above the parapet and waving a box of cigars. A Canadian sergeant responded by opening fire, hitting two of the merrymakers.

>“When they returned it, one of our lads was shot through the head. That put an end to our Christmas gathering quickly,” Lance Cpl. George D’All wrote in a letter home.

>In one particularly cruel episode, Canadians even exploited the trust of Germans who had apparently become accustomed to fraternizing with allied units. Lieutenant Louis Keene described the practice of lobbing tins of corned beef into a neighbouring German trench. When the Canadians started hearing happy shouts of “More! Give us more!” they then let loose with an armload of grenades.

what the FUCK is their problem?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Churchill also had a hardon for Canadian soldiers, why is everyone in the western world gay for us?

>What confused both friend and foe alike was why Canadians were so vicious. The French had seen large swaths of their country destroyed and subjugated. The British had zeppelins bombing their cities and U-boats trying to starve their populace. But Canadians had left behind safe and prosperous homes that wouldn’t see the slightest tinge of German aggression.

why are you like this?

Well you see,
Nova Scotians

Cope and seethe

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Let's remember the whole time while Canada has a Nice Guy image we had the Residential Schools, and arrest young white women who marry chinese men under the Female Refugee Act

It's funny because we act super solemn about the war

canada been womping nazis for damn near a hundred years.



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sounds pretty based to me

>get conscripted
>sent halfway across the planet
>fight in france because they are allies to the country that used to own you
>"Why are you fighting so viciously?"
If any of you fags were dragged out of your mother's basement to do some bullshit you wanted nothing to do with to begin with you'd lash out too.

the best of us is buried in fields across western europe. old stock canada is nearly gone. all that's left is ethnics waving the leaf flag.

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butthurt mutt who doesnt love killing and violence like a normalprude

>“We like to think of Canada as pure, but Canadians gassed everything that moved whenever they could,” said historian Jack Granatstein in a recent about the last months of the First World War. As Currie himself would say after the war “if we could have killed the whole German Army by gas, we would gladly have done so.”

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Based. We'll finally be conservative again.

Currie simply embraced the concept of total war. He did not invent it and In the blood and horror of those battlefields western Christianity came to an end.

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Canadians had a reputation for being brutal during both WWs and for being ferocious soldiers who held up their own. Even to this day our military produces some of the best trained soldiers pound-for-pound apparently.


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