Can you live decently as a neet in your cunt?

Can you live decently as a neet in your cunt?

France, no. They give you just enough to eat and thats it

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I would kill just to get enough to eat


Yes if your parents can support you like mine
Otherwise no

>Can you live as a neet in your cunt?
I mean there were cases of amputees being refused gibs.
Who shall not work shall not eat seems to be the polish motto

No. They don’t give you enough to afford rent let alone food. My goal is to make enough on crypto to buy a decent sized house, move my parents and siblings in there, then just work part time while working on some side businesses because fuck full time work.

Yes, I'm rich and have never worked a single day in my life.

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You get enough to eat when you NEET?

Don't tell me you want to live like middle class when u r a neet. Get a fucking job

It depends. If you get a job and then get "disabled" due to a depression or something then you can get up to a modal salary. Which is great.

If you aren't disabled or never worked before getting disabled, then you get 70% of the minimum wage. Which is really less than what you need imo.

The only jobs that people offer are minimum wage jobs that require 8-12 hours of work each day. That’s terrible. Our options are work 24/7 like robots just to survive or don’t work at all like hobos and go hungry. I’d rather be dead. If I could live like middle class with a part time job then i’d get one.

The trick being you build a banana farm or sth. like this. you Watering the plants every day, look up in the sky, gather your well earned fruits. And have a nice day.

Also neeting when you are employable is a bad idea.

Unemployment benefits are 70% of your last wage. But it runs out after a couple months.
After which you first have to eat your savings. And then get 70% of the minimum wage.

Yes. In fact, you live way better as a NEET than if you were to get a minwage job. Thus, removing the incentive for low-skilled people to pretty much work, unless their parents are forcing them to or some shit

How do you intend to make it on crypto?

My dream

>enough to eat
That's too much

Doesn't france give 500 free euros a month to poor people?

I want to life like upper class and say a neet.
Also does this happen in your country?

Why don’t you get an education or learn a trade?

What hinders you?

At least you get food. Try to live with nothing

Buy shit coins during crashes, long sell them for double during moons, keep some cash aside, wait for the next crash, repeat 15 times until I have 1 million dollars. My plan isn’t working though cause this last crash has yet to recover and my initial $7500 investment is now $3000.

Yes i live with my parents the cons its i dont have much money to Go out and drink but i can live good and calma life with not many worries

>My plan isn’t working though cause this last crash has yet to recover and my initial $7500 investment is now $3000
Kek I lost more than $20000 on the last crash, I feel you

If you're not born into it you need to put a lot of money and effort just to get started

The average time you need to work to sustain a living for a life time is 2 month per year. (considering our current technology)
Does this happen in your country?

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I’ve got an accounting degree. Doesn’t matter the job. Low skilled, high skilled, mental, physical, it’s all shit. I just want free time, and that doesn’t exist with full time work.

2 moth per life*

Ton arrière arrière grand père, il a défriché la terre Ton arrière-grand-père, il a labouré la terre Et pire, ton grand-père a rentabilisé la terre Et ton père, il l'a vendue pour devenir fonctionnaire

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Okay then you don’t get money

yes i didnt i worked 12 month in my life.

Is shit really that grim down there?

Je connais la chanson mais je viens d'une famille de pêcheurs. Comme la pêche n'était plus très rentable, mon grand-père s'est reconverti en travailleur des quais, et puis en tant que vétéran de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale il a touché une pension toute sa vie. Et mon père, il est bel et bien devenu fonctionnaire.

Having some kind of homestead is better than wageslaving for the rest of my life

Et pis toi, p'tite jeunesse, tu dois ton cul au ministère

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