Most retarded posters on the rest of the internet

>most retarded posters on the rest of the internet
>most intelligent posters on Any Forums
How is that possible?

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>>most intelligent posters on Any Forums
what are you smoking? They're the biggest schizos

We’re the most common posters on Any Forums, so it makes sense we would have the most extremes

>>most intelligent posters on Any Forums

We're smart and retarded because we're not some centrism cuck who sits on a fence all day.

Freedom makes one smart

I’m intelligent enough to know you’re trolling

That's only true if you assume the same distribution but you're retarded with little variance


There are so many of free to expressive ourselves with access to information we can see all the angles.
Everyone sees something different

Migapedes got bullied by the mutt meme back to Any Forums

Of us*

I’m gonna be honest I don’t know if I’m retarded or smart.

This based italiano

Ameirca has the most retarded and most intelligent people on earth

I went to UChicago which is pretty prestigious

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We can’t really tell because it’s an English-language board. I have a suspicion that French and even Russian posters could be some of the most intelligent on Any Forums but can’t be sure because their English is kind of bad

>Not judging posts by the quality of content

It only seems that way because you’re too middling to perceive the extremes. Arr rook same and what not

Its actually due to a massive psyop that involves every single American on the planet. See, we have orders to be appear as retarded as possible to foreigners so they underestimate our capabilities. All of the "American tourists" you see worldwide are paid actors. The average American hasn't left American soil since 1983. We have wars in other countries to throw the world off of our real goals. 9/11 was scripted. It was scripted because the city of New York itself is a stage. Its all theatre for the world to point and laugh at. Its amazing what we get away with nowadays, whoever is writing the script for the New York actors has done everything they can to make it as wacky as possible. The foreigners have no idea. And they never will until its too late.
We are all fat though. That's not scripted we're just gluttons.

It's the power of Ranch dressing.

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I got a 33von my ACT fagioli