Do u like pakistan?

do u like pakistan?

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>Turk with German dog

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Astaghfirullah. I’m never watching ertugul ever again. Haram dog worshipping globohomo

I like how they make so many countries seethe. In a sense, they are like the Turkey of Asia.

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turkey is asian country though

You are a white Serbian Greek pretending to be a Turk. Pakistanis are real Turks.

take your meds pajeet

Seethe wh*teboi

>keep your chica dog outside in the freezing cold
islam is a meme

>Turkey of Asia

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Giant fucking dogs really should be left outside, but I think tiny ones can count as cats

since when is keeping dogs haram? Pakistans follow the same Hanafi school of thought as Turks so why are they getting upset over this if the school of thought they follow always dogs as pets?

Well, the hadith say kill any dog that isn't used to work with you in cattle stuff or whataever... And is clair about it

which hadith is that? idk if it's a cultural but i can't imagine someone killing a dog that isn't used for work. If someone saw you randomly kill a dog here you would be killed yourself or at least get some sort of beating

You can't keep dogs indoor and black dogs are cursed because muhammad didn't like 'em 'n shieeet


I thought the hadith in context was only talking about killing the rabid stray dogs that were attacking the townsfolk of Medina.

They make countries seethe because they are literally the most batshit country with nukes. The government doesn't even have control over the entire country, it is still rampant in illiteracy and religious extremism, and it's entire identity was invented several decades ago.

Turkey makes people seethe because the Ottomans were a historical super power so there are imbedded rivalries with other states. AKA they make people seethe in a normal geopolitical way.

Pakistan makes people seethe in your autistic violent cousin way

> and it's entire identity was invented several decades ago.
Which is what? Every Paki here I stumble upon goes on some story on how he’s an Turk or sometimes Arab. Neither of these two communities here even accept them as one of their own.

Do you have the Somali head?

Attached: somali head.png (602x474, 296.34K)

>They make countries seethe because they are literally the most batshit country with nukes. The government doesn't even have control over the entire country, it is still rampant in illiteracy and religious extremism, and it's entire identity was invented several decades ago.
Who even gave them nukes?

>If someone saw you randomly kill a dog here you would be killed yourself or at least get some sort of beating


Because Pakistanis 100 years ago were simply Indian/Desi Muslims (generally, there are other ethnic groups in Pakistan)

Pakistan exists to be a Muslim state. So they go heavily autistic in trying to invent some type of modern Muslim identity. I'd argue Pakistan is far more religious than the Arab world or Iranians.

I swear 80% of the online pro-Islam propaganda/discussion in english is from Pakistanis/Pakistani diaspora in the West. A lot of the autism shouting for a new Ottoman Empire comes from Pakistan.

Pakistan is in a weird place as the rest of the Islamic world is becoming less religious (maybe outside of places in Africa) while Pakistan's identity and extremist funding has turbo-charged to become increasingly religious.

It's why the Indians don't trust them whatsoever.