How could such a big country be so irrelevant?

How could such a big country be so irrelevant?

Attached: World-Data-Locator-Map-Indonesia.jpg (480x460, 27.93K)

too brown + islam


we literally export nothing other than coal

see who's the leading ethnic

Why are Brazil and Saudi Arabia relevant then?


Financial crisis late 90s
We almost made it to the top

how is Brazil relevant

By what metric? Economy wise, Indonesia wasn't even in the top 20 before the late 2000s
Brazil is very relevant

if you're a human trafficker or drug smuggler sure they're relevant

-brazil is not relevant on the world stage, considering their land controlled and population
-saudi arabia has natural ressources that everyone wants and they can play each side


everyone can at least say something about Brazil
no one can say anything about Indonesia

Poor and muslim

you mean (((Hollywood))) and westoids?

Sometimes it's better to be irrelevant than swinging your dick around the neighboring countries and trying to restore some bullshit former glory

>bad at global diplomacy/networking

literally every muslim country without oil and/or nukes is irrelevant.

I mean everyone
Indonesia is a big country and should have a large contribution towards global society
we need to make nukes then

>contribution towards global society
I hate globohomoniger so fucking much, you should join the 41%

According to the Constitution of 1945, Indonesia must participate in the implementation of a world order based on freedom, eternal peace, and social justice. This is a constitutionally mandated mission for Indonesia.

So is Pakistan

Which "world order" are we talking about here ? i am not joining the niggies kneeler cuck

Not my problem

It says it right there. The world order based on freedom, eternal peace, and social justice.

>brown mentality
Everyone here wants a result but hates the process

Not my problem

So the niggies kneeler one ? No thanks. Not My Problem.

what is the process that Indonesia must undertake to become relevant?

We already does (poorly), the reason why there weren't any missiles flying in South China Sea is because our effort along with the rest of ASEAN to reduce China-USA dick swinging rivalry