Instead of doing something productive like learning french, coding, exercise, I shitposting on /int and /pol...

Instead of doing something productive like learning french, coding, exercise, I shitposting on /int and /pol. How to become productive and smart? At 12, I was reading more in one day than I had read in the last week

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I can relate user. You should sharpen up your English first, get some simple and easy to attain goals at first. Write down a routine for every single day - no matter how much you repeat yourself. It needs to become a mantra. Then, you can start going for harder goals... but only then.

——————————didn't ask+you're white+cope

Ratio bozo

if you cant do math then dont even think about learning how to code. Coding is not for everyone

I haven’t read a book since I was 5.
I wish I was being unironic lol
but then you’ll wonder how I passed my English language and literature exams at high school?
Well that’s bc I got my mom to do all of the coursework for me (which was 60% of the final exam mark.)
I actually got moved up a set bc she kept getting me A’s on all the essays that she wrote (despite me telling her to dumb it down)
I got moved up to the top set and only lasted 3 months before they realised that I was actually a complete dumb ass which resulted in me being moved back down a set :D
Either way I continued to let my mum write all of the essays (I didn’t even read what she wrote lol)
and she kept getting me straight A’s,
but at this point, I think the teachers had finally realised that I was cheating but had no proof.
Let’s just say I never got moved back up a set again and some how fluked the final exam and ended up with a low passing C grade

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Retarded opinion. Learning programming languages is same as learning human tongues. You just need to know logics and be stubborn.

I already speak French code and exercise and have a job. Life is still horrible, people are terrible. I've had enough of this bullshit.

that is why I'm on Any Forums. I deceive myslef that I'm learning. When I belived in God morning and evening prayer was helpful so I'll try trick with writing down the daily plan

Idk, I'll try anyway

But now you can complain in french.

just stop going on the internet and commit to some goals

>Instead of doing something productive like learning french, coding, exercise, I shitposting on /int and /pol. How to become productive and smart? At 12, I was reading more in one day than I had read in the last week

It can be not because of your lazy mode, if you are feeling uncomfortable, you can have the mode too. Something like - you will not read in a room full of fire, right? If you have other problems, for example job problems - you need to solve it first. If you have some bad country - you need to relocate first, etc

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Kek why was your mother okay with it?
I can't relate with people who struggle with essays though, back in high school my teachers were even excited to read them and they also allowed me to write all the pages I wanted without a limit, I enjoy writing essays so much but only when they're about something I'm interested in, I can't simply write one and put all my effort on it if it's about some dumb topic I don't care about.
Last time I read a book was in elementary school as well, I can't even tell how old I was when I read what should've been my last book.

I will not learn to code.
I will not learn a trade.
I will not grow my own food.
I will not learn mandarin.
I will not read the X
I will not engage in your wholesome chungus hippie behavior

Is this what you take when you have ADHD? I'll go talk to a psychiatrist about it since I believe I have it.

I come on here to unwind, corona did make me more stupid though
>we summon him

I speak French, I refuse to code and I do exercice. I read but I procrastinate a lot.

>At 12, I was reading more in one day than I had read in the last week
This but replace week with year. Kid me was an absolute voracious reader and the internet fucked me in the eye socket.


>try adderall
>hands get extremely cold
>start smelling like shit
>can't sleep
>constantly feel like fighting someone
I was lied too

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>You just need to know logics and be stubborn.
most involve math from basic to advance knowledge. Sure you dont need to be a math genius to be able to code but if you shit at mathematic then tough luck learning c plus plus or python

Is there even a point in learning a third language? should it be one that is more useful when looking for a job? or rather one that you simply like, like when weebs learn Japanese even though it's not really that useful

What is more relevant for coding, calculus or algebra?

>most involve math from basic to advance knowledge.
You mean you better know the school mathematics program well? That's all obvious.

OP might be shit at logical thinking, problem solving and have basic mathematical skill for all i know due to the lack of context.
I have to learn Pascal back in high school and i was terrible at it.
OP better spend his time learning css or htlm desu.