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Collage edition

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i need the second right second down for a biology project

Sorry this content is exclusive. You can access it on my Patreon though

It’s raining and the local Walmart is using buns to collect the leaks.
I’ve been pushing them so that the water droplets just barely get in

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Was told that I look like a foreigner again

Should I move to Alaska?

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i went on omegle yesterday and the SEAs called me ching chong, I feel like theyre missing something

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Love my dad love me mum simple as

good taste, she was my favorite as well

It's Hailey

>medicine hat
An ancient metropolis plucked straight from the Triassic

pictures of dead women

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fuckers played porn on TV and I couldnt help but jack off, this shit shouldnt be allowed

i legitimately dont remember what numbher of COVID this virus was
does it even exist anymore

Seeing a bunch of hot girls at Walmart


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I’ve totally lost track of how many “waves” we’ve done so far. It’s especially difficult to keep track of in Canada because each province has their own “wave” count, so while Manitoba is talking about their 6th wave, Ontario is on their 9th and Newfoundland is on their 4th. And then you’ve got national broadcasters who have no idea what to say about it. And then I can’t even tell the difference between when we’re in the midst of a so-called “wave” and when we’re between them. Like my life doesn’t change at all, and I don’t know a single person who’s died or been seriously ill due to covid-19. All very silly and tiresome.

Mosques smell like feet and I hated every second I was forced to be inside of one

real page 7 new not made by ban evading mutthew spammer

Someone tell FK about this

My uni has feet washing stations and I only realized recently it was for muzzies

Muslims should install human foot washing stations in their mosques for FK and others like him to suck their toes and soles clean before they do mass

sad and bored, venner

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That's hot


unwashed moroccan soles(male)

I never see muslims where I live