Living with your mom over the age of 18

>living with your mom over the age of 18
Why do Europeans but Scandinavians do this?

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What's the problem?


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I live with your mom, Tyrone.

yeah i should’ve moved out 10 years ago desu
feel free to move back in but everyone should live alone for a year or two at the least, get to know yourself better

I do this but I don't look like that

>mfw 23 and live with my mom
Its over isn’t it

I only moved out at 29 and me brother still lives with them, he's 27 now



How exactly do you bring a girl home to fug? Wait for your mom to go out shopping?

We have real houses and not new shitty cardboard McMansions you multlited flyover retard

who you talking to

Yes, everyone who says it isn’t is a khhv incel mommy’s boy neet

I lived with my mum until 26

too poor

Wed doo it too if we didnt get money for it, and it would be better for us

I left my parents home when I was 28 and I regret it
It's a pain in the ass taking care of my place on my own, and it's expensive

>How exactly do you bring a girl home to fug?
I don't

Take her to my room
Fug her
She has breakfast with us in the next morning if she wants (normal) or leaves super early to avoid it (weirdo)
Simple as

There's no point in moving out if you are an incel. Might as well just keep the rent money and use it for investments.

Why do American families hate their offspring so much?