Ma'ams sirs what do you think about India being the largest and oldest democratic country in the world ma'am sirs?

>Ma'ams sirs what do you think about India being the largest and oldest democratic country in the world ma'am sirs?

Why do Indians like to ask everybody what their thoughts and opinions on India so much? Like i thought it was just Twitter with spam comments on popular tweets saying "don't forget India sirs" and "what do you think about India ma'am". But no, their press and everybody is like this too.

But why?

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That's enough about me
Let's talk about you
What do you think of me

Sirs I like curry and samosas sirs but chicken and not veggie samosas please sir thank you ma'am.


India has abolished its free press in the last decade. Every single Indian journalist is now a government mouth piece.

What are they supposed to a ? When Trudeau came to India all the Canadian reporters asked similar questions. Most countries can only question events happening in their neighbouring countries.

>Trudeau, sir, how do you think indians in Canada compare to you local indians?

This is the White House.

You disagree? You paki basterd benchod guy

What you call me you bloody basterd?

Good. 99% (((Journalists))) are foreign funded propaganda machines anyway

You paki guy
99% jouranlist paki basterd free press mean jihad sirs

Journos and normies are retarded/self-centered/paid shills. But I guess it can stem from the fact that India is a struggling developing country often in need of opportunities/assistance. Plus, we like to make frens.

how come the pajeets we get in the uk are, dare i say it, relatively normal?

>oldest democratic country in the world
Isn't that something like the Isle of Man for the longest concurrent democracy even if it's not a country?

Yours are older, more generations in. The ones in Canada are literal fresh off the boats and first generations

Different type of immigrants: First thing to know about is that there aren't any thing like "Indian race" it's a collective term of different ethnicities UK mostly gets Gujaratis & South Indians with few North Indians where Canada gets 80 IQ nigger tier Chimps called punjabis

Indians think they slick trying to blend with brown people in México. No, you ain't. Everyone notices you. we can see you a mile away.

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Even in Canada, we have different Indians on the west/east coast.

I tell my friends all the time that Indians here are fucking dumb, set garbage can fires in schools to get out of class, blatantly cheat on tests, beat their girlfriends in the hallways for everybody to see, and set fires to lockers of people they don't like. And they say how it is possible, when all the Indians at their school are quiet, nerdy, friendly kids.

India's fucking huge, people don't realize that.

Wow maybe you can't really stereotype based on ethnicities and race.

I like indian girls. Do indian girls like mexican boys? Asking for a friend.

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of course i can, madarchod

Yes, good luck.