Why somalis like this

why somalis like this

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Prevents infidelity I guess

only 10% of FGMs are the stitching type. The majority of FGMs are less damaging than male circumcision. It's disgusting how westerners condemn the east cutting girls while they cut boys.

Uh shouldn't you go to a doctor to get that removed?

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>It's disgusting how westerners condemn the east cutting girls while they cut boys.
Why exactly is FGM frowned upon? Is thr mortality rate higher or something along those lines?

both are wrong, those are as wrong as tranny cutting up their dick

Western white knights who think Somali women are poor innocent victims who need to be saved by them

if you talk shit about the MGM the jews get mad

>how westerners condemn the east cutting girls while they cut boys.
Bruh, only american pigs cut boys, most of the west doesn't.
But africa and the middle east does.

It's mind boggling and disgusting that genital mutilation of both male and female minors isn't illegal in every single Western country. Some US states don't even have laws against FGM.

Imagine being 8 years old, getting kidnapped by your grandmothers and aunts while they amputate a part of your genitals with a dirty disposable razor blade going through an extremely painful healing process and being mutilated and traumatized for life.

South Korea does as well. Male circumcision just makes sense.

somali bulbhead phenotype + stitch up vagina = literal brain damage and low iq

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Not to most cultures. Like 2/3 of men worldwide are intact. It wasn't even that common here until c. 1920s-30s, when more babies started being born in hospitals.

In our defense, male circumcision is becoming less and less popular in the US

Maybe because so many babies are Hispanic

>Why exactly is FGM frowned upon? Is thr mortality rate higher or something along those lines?

Because it's done to female children. No form of genital mutilation regardless of how damaging it is is illegal on boys because males are disposable in western society. I've seen loads of cases where people have gotten off scot-free for cutting off boy's dicks and balls in circumcision accidents.

no one in Somalia gets married before 19 culturally, and the stitching type of fgm isn’t practiced in Somalia. please create better bait before you humiliate yourself.

Yeah, maybe if you're a jewish slave
>He that is born in thy house, and he that is bought with thy money, must needs be circumcised; - part of Genesis 17:10–14

I mean maybe, but also just because of its connection to backwards practices

It seems to be more focused on genital mutilation. Any other crime against a little boy would send you behind bars for years.