
*Ding Ding Dong* edition


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rise and shine

up and at 'em


Why don't we learn this at school?

Malakes skopianoi, i Makedonia einai Elliniki

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that feeling you get in your back when you lay down in bed after a long day of doing nothing is nice desu
sometimes I lay on the floor just to get that feeling

uh oh greekbros...

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why are they so based and retardpilled?

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Malaka skopiane

Greece is a fake country invented in the 19th century
We are all rightful subjects to the Osmali Sultan cCc

It takes one to know one, pseudomakedon

404 not found

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proud follower of Ataturk, the destroyer of caliphates

Turks spit on that jew today

ataturk was a macedonian


Holy based, he's really cleaning house from all the americanised cucks and whores

Based as fuck.

>"Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel"

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Everyone in the balkans should speak Greek as a second language

