Number plates in Japan look like THAT?!

number plates in Japan look like THAT?!

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childish society

ToT ouooooooooooooooooooo
Japanese plates so erotic


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Do you rove Japan?

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I love this meme
So funny

japan aside, why can't europoors into soulful license plates?

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Thank you


because loicense plates are regulated soulless beaurocratic requirement for the purpose of identification.
they fit more characters, and characters are larger therefore legible from a greater distance

also machine readability

besdies that euro plates have a two/three character country code as per the requirement of vienna convention on road traffic. before standardized euro plates if you were travelling abroad you had to slap a sticker with said country code on your car.

I'll show you SOVL

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That's kamakura's famous tourist spot.
many chang come to there for slum dunk.

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hai sou desu.

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It's so beautiful т.т
I want to see it by myself

>not Brainret-kun.png

no chang or kim pls.

>this will be translated and posted on Japanese website to please Japanese
Y'all say hi to the moderator of all-nationz and fellow brainless Japanese viewers of his website.

I think those Japan appreciate threads are sock-puppeting.

They started making these plates available in Michigan.

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