I’m proud of my Irish heritage. Are you proud of your Irish heritage?

I’m proud of my Irish heritage. Are you proud of your Irish heritage?

Attached: 085A394B-15AE-4F10-AAAD-0C2F2823538B.jpg (1242x640, 468.13K)

I am 0% Irish.
I am half Armenian (wish I were full Armenian).
I was born in Yekaterinburg.
My biological father is Armenian, and he impregnated a Russian woman.
The Russian woman left me in an orphanage.
I was adopted by two American Jews.

Attached: my dna_old.png (2152x1794, 1.52M)


Please cease your hiberniphobia… we’ve been through enough

im polish

Cannot unsee map of Ukraine instead of a tree in the background. Am I the only one? Really looks like it.

I don't have Irish heritage :/

Attached: ancestry weird_011245.png (3916x1830, 1.53M)

My great grandmother was an irish woman who got BASQUE'D. I don't consider myself Irisih at all though but I support their plight against the anglo

Mon frère...
French or Spanish basque ?

If by Irish you count Upper Class Anglo-Irish then yes

Attached: The Tree.png (4465x2513, 1.38M)

I wanted French heritage, but I ended up getting shitty Anglo/Mick + Kraut blood.

I suffer

Its ok i guess. More happy about my actual ancestors that were in Australia and not some vauge notion of them 1000 years ago.

im american

Attached: familytree.png (1518x826, 606.1K)

spanish basque. Father and grandfather are from ibarrangelu

Are you Glendalian?

My mom always insisted we were Irish, but everyone on her side had what seemed like English surnames, though I guess a lot can be interchangeable so I don't know

no a bit north from there.

you're more french than you are anything you retard

Simi Valley?

I’m Norman

Well my grandmother did a 23&me and turns out she’s 70% Irish so some of those “French” Canadians were probably Irish that Gallicized their names.

Hi Norman, I'm Jack

Che palle io sono 100% /ita/
Mio nonno Napoletaano era nordico
Resto etruschi del lazio nord credo pd