Imagine if every country was an island, we would achieve world peace

There will be no terrotorial disputes.

Attached: vnj1ck2xrll81.png (640x425, 232.34K)

>minorities get stuck on an island with a country they don't want
>no disputes

Attached: apuglasses.png (655x527, 368.89K)

then dutch comes and connects them

Sea is no just water. It's a source of food and oil. There'd still be disputes over rich seabed spots.

>civil wars don't exist

That’s where your wrong, friend

Already is and it's sucks especially everything is charged for hefty price just for importing. I want to buy from Amazon or Ebay but thanks Songapore (not a compliment btw), the shipping fee is triple of that item bought. Fuck them.

They would have got genocided centuries ago. No disputes in the current era

Dokdo is still territory of Corea ^__^

SEA and China are in dispute over south china sea THOUGH

>That close to India
Hell no, get me out of this nightmare.

>boats don't exist

If every country suddenly became an island the socio-geographical conditions would change so drastically that ethnic borders would gradually change to accommodate the new environment, and new island-specific ethnicities would arise.

Some large and multiethnic islands like Russia and India would still remain ethnically divided for Millennia.

>russia, usa and china yet to balkanise
Split it all or get bent

prepare your anuses

>Russia further north than Greenland
Antarctica-tier conditions for Russians

We will be here forever :)

That whole "anschluss" thing would have been much more difficult

Lol. No we won't.

Finally, more beaches to dig holes in.

Stop giving Netherlands so much trouble, Hans.