It's Spring Break in America now

It's Spring Break in America now

Americans, why are you here now

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No friends

My spring break was last week

because spring break was last week since i'm not a highschooler

I'm in my 30s.

Spring break is kind of lame if you live in the northeast.

Also, every time I see people partying in the south, I only chads with hot chicks.

teenagers and young adults scare me

im unaware about the concept of 'spring break'

its next week.

Isn't Spring Break the week of Easter? It's always been that way at schools I went to.

most college students get a week off in spring.
If you live in the south, you go to Miami and party.
If you live anywhere else, you go to a festival or beach or something.

i failed life

I’m only 18 and mostly depend on my parents. I even have a curfew, still. I told them I wanted to go to Florida and they quickly realized I wanted to get laid and yelled at me about how I’m gonna get robbed or drugged before even getting a girl.

Not in south beach
But anywhere else near there, yea.

Were you planning on going alone?

I'm not a spring chicken anymore

I'm in Panama now since my sister is a school therapist and gets the week off so the whole family can make time to go. We hiked in the mountains today and saw this shirtless English family going up as we were going down. They were all pale as ghosts and looked like they were going to sweat to death before getting halfway up.

Yeah. I have no friends or relatives near my age. I was planning to just stroll beaches and clubs until I found people that looked my age and then just figure it out from there. If all else failed I would pay a chad looking guy to wing man for me.

If I were you, I would find a nice hotel in a nice area and show that to your parents. Sell them on it. Do you have any friends from high school.

>how I’m gonna get robbed or drugged before even getting a girl.
You are.
t. Miami

they might have a point

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come to tampa instead
all the party, none of the crime

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