American boys dress like THAT!?

American boys dress like THAT!?

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Almost puked when I saw the fag on the right in the video. I dont know why they let mentally ill people on these. They shouldve ripped his clothes off and shown him what it really means to be a slut.

Manlet bros we cant stop winning

guy on the left has the most drip by far wtf

Asian dude in 2 is the only one remotely dressed like a real person. Would actively avoid everyone else.

middle > far left >far right > left > right

tryhard nigger
kill it with fire

literally my exact thought

what idiot did this ranking?

honestly this
the correct ranking is 5 4 2 3 1, why even ask women about this...

yeah but he supports steelers and thats a ick

fr fr low key no cap

yes but they are wrong color

women absolutely did not vote for this, the fag is completely undesirable

They're virtue signalling user. Women publicly will never say things they really believe, they'll say things they know people will praise them for.

I don't like steelers much but they got drip. I dislike raidniggers but they be hella drippin fr fr no cap

Can confirm

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>number one has knock knees

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blackbros we fucking lost...

they all look like retards

ew a maskcuck

A woman apparently

This videos are fucking useless. The men always vote along the lines of how much they like something (the way it should be) and the women rate everything based on what they think everyone else would vote.

I'm not sure if this was the intentional joke, but there's some strong closeted energy coming from this post.

We need to bring back fag-bashing

Hell nah, 3 easily does on god

name one situation wgere thats an appropriate outfit

>3 easily does on god
He has a stupid looking skinny fit trousers and his ankles are exposed. It looks dumb and gay.

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