Required reading in your country

What books did you have to read in high school? What did you think of them?

Where I am we read:
The Stranger (and some other Camus stories)
Catcher in the Rye
Great Gatsby
Romeo and Juliet
The Odyssey
The Aeneid
Death of a Salesman
Scarlet Letter
The Ministers Black Veil
The Crucible
Just Mercy

I found all the Shakespeare stuff to be boring even if I could “appreciate” it. I’ve forgotten most of Just Mercy. I thought the ancient classics where somewhat interesting but not really engaging, I liked the Aeneid the most. I liked the Great Gatsby especially near the end. The Crucible was really entertaining and I think I’d make a great movie or tv show. I also really liked The Black Veil and Scarlet Letter mostly just because I find New England history to be interesting. Death of a Salesman was ok. My favorites where the Stranger and Catcher in the Rye. I really found myself being engaged with a book for the first time when reading those two, and I can thank them for getting me to like reading.

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We read this. Was some nice anglo miserykino.

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I remember skipping entire paragraphs in Othello

We don't really have any. Whenever we have reading assignments in school, we can usually pick something ourselves. And the few times there are "recomendations" for the assignment, they aren't even anything noteworthy, just some dopey stuff the teachers picked at random from the school library

great expectations is his best book
othello is my faourite shakespeare play. iago is such a great villain.

All of them were national books
They all sucked and were very hard to read

Some of our international readings
>Oedipus Rex
>Romeo and Juliet
>Adventures of Tom Sawyer
>Crime and Punishment
>The Plague
Some of our national readings
>Mr. Thaddeus
>The Doll
>The Deluge
>Quo Vadis

Oh I forgot about Othello. Yeah we read that too. Now that I think about it I think that was the Shakespeare work I liked the most

What is a national book?

>Books I loved
Great Gatsby
Catcher in the Rye
To Kill A Mockingbird
Lord of the Flies
The Sun Also Rises
>Good books
As I Lay Dying
Romeo and Juliet
Death of a Salesman
The Outsiders
Invisible Man
Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Animal Farm
>Meh books
The Scarlet Letter
The Odyssey (lame abridged version)
Their Eyes Were Watching God

Probably forgetting a lot. My school reading was pretty great

I meant books written here
We didn't read internationally famous books except for the Bible

We read catcher, romeo & juliet, macbeth, the odyssey, great gatsby, the crucible, to kill a mockingbird, and a ton of short stories. I remember reading death of a salesman but I don’t remember if it was for school or not.

this + Catcher in the Rye were pure bildungsroman kino
not surprised everyone else in the school hated them

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I sparknoted everything.

>the Aeneid
>Divine Comedy
>I promessi sposi

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Oh yeah, in addition to we also read lord of the flies, animal farm the giver, beowulf, some oscar wilde but I don’t remember what, othello, midsummer nights dream, and more.

I bet you look like this.

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harry pooter
of mice and men
swedish garbage

also this

FAUST is still the most based book we read in school.
Kafka is cool too.

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>Catcher in the Rye
>Great Gatsby
>Romeo and Juliet
>The Odyssey
Midsummer Night's Dream
Ethan Frome

>to kill a mockingbird
This too.
Where the Red Fern Grows
Tom Sawyer, not Huck Finn

>Harry Potter
Really? wtf

Never heard of Americans reading Joyce in school, pretty nice

>le german word=le nazi!!

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I used to just watch the film adaptations of everything we were required to read and finish assignments based on those.

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based fellow zoomer

in my school we had Heart of Darkness aswell

I know what bilsungsroman is, what you posted is just peak incel /lit/

Forced to read garbage like
>Anne Frank
>Great Gatsby
>The Crucible
>Scarlet Letter
>Pride and Prejudice

I read far better stuff on my own accord.