Invitados chicanos y centroamericanos

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>Nunca seré un verdadero indio
Se acabó

they have a native historical claim to this land, you do not

I saw a tik tok of a central american women saying "Mexican men belong with central american women" and I saw a lot of hate going both ways, idk why

No, they don't. They're mullatos. Part spanish part random native. Aztlan is a LARP myth. Cope and seethe

Chovinismo estupido

Los mexicanos y centro americanos somo la misma gente

Las chicanas y centracas estan hechas para la gran polla mexicana

We all look the same, what? All this ____ women belong to ______ men shit is hitting peak levels of retardation.


it's a incels / coomer catchphrase

Edición panteonera

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Do they like chicanos?

Aztlan is apart of Mesoamerica retard they have an entire claim to the western United States, cope and seethe
Central Americans and Mexicans have literally never fought a war so I don't understand the hate, unlike ethnic conflicts in the baltics, north africa etc.

Deberiamos conquistar Guatemala


Tienen bases militares gringas

Deberiamos defender Guatemala


Los derechairos eurocentristas andan echando espuma por la boca por la carta de AMLO

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Postea la carta, no la he leído :S

Estas lacras son los mismos que abrieron el culo con los españoles, los franceses y gringos.

Hay dos Mexicos, uno apatrida, valevergista y vendepatrias y otro que quiere sacar el pais adelante

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