200'000 thousand Russians have left for better pastures in the past two weeks with a popular destination for them being...

200'000 thousand Russians have left for better pastures in the past two weeks with a popular destination for them being Uzbekistan. But why Uzbekistan? if you are fleeing economic deprivation and political repression then Uzbekistan seems like an odd place to settle.

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How do you know it's not just Uzbeks going home?

they also left for turkey

That's a possibility I did not think of

Fuck, why woudn't they come to Brazil ?

Brazilians sorry for bad english

can you do a tl;dw? She's talking super slowly and she doesn't seem to be the straight to the point type. I'm still curious to know the answer to the question in your post.

They don't really have many good options. The wealth of the Average Russian was just cut in half.

She moved to Uzbekistan on a whim to escape what Russia has become. She likes being Russian but see no future there. She also laments the wasted potential of the country.

god i wish slavs would stay in their own countries

But the question was why Uzbekistan?

They will assimilate to Perso-Turkic culture and rid themselves of Slavhood

She looks like a dyke.

She didn't say

Imagine being such a shithole that Kyrgyzstan has become more desirable than you lmfao

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Isn't Kyrgyzstan filthy rich, or I'm mistaking with another -stan ?

They're all poor but Kazakhstan is slightly richer than Russia now

No, they'll just form a large Russian speaking minority, at which point Putin will move into to demilitarize the nazi government.

I heard there were a lot of talks about firing gastarbeiters from Uzbekistans\Kyrgyzstan\Tajikistan\Azerbaijan\etc due to situation with jobs getting worse by the day with all the companies leaving temporarily or no, so that's probably them. Most of them were filling up unqualified bottom of the barrel workplaces to send money back home, and in case of well educated people with nicer jobs from there the econimical situation would still drive them home regardless.
So i guess it's them returning mostly

Because most of other countries have closed the border some way or another

Free Tatarstan

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you're probably one of those migrants that closes doors to other incoming immigrants lmao

Asshole Uzbekistan.

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Because the west is a dystopian hellscape with no future.