Why are Eastern European white women the most friendly to Asian men?

In my personal experiences the other white women from Eastern Europe are not so nice to us? Is it because of Jewish and American global homo that makes Asian men look bad?

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i met an ukrainian girl in bangkok
she was an english teach in china
her ex was a chinese manlet
i fucked her tho

All white women are gold diggers in western societies though.

esl moment

>eastern european
pick one

east europeans are not white

Slavic women are very generous in general

notorious gold diggers.

guess which part of the world that she comes from

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Slavic women fuck everything. I recommend the use of condoms.

if that was true, then why wont they fuck you?

I did, a Polish girl that gave me tripper. Nontheless I have a child with my ex who I hate.

PTSD from the Mongol invasions

Mongol invasions, Uralic invasions, Turkic invasions,

also they have less Basal Eurasian ancestry. And they are non-primitive.

Idk but slavic girls are usually pretty cold and mean to me. The nicest white girls I have met are always either redheads or Jewish girls

>Nontheless I have a child with my ex who I hate.

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Based adopting black culture

>who i hate
the child or the ex?

So you are not white?

what is it about slavic girls?

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Why should I give a shit lol? Bitch is annoying af and I keep saying it’s not my child.
Ex. Never seen the child, she also says she doesn’t want me to. She is pretty pathetic tho.

What is it about Asian girls?

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Those girls I can tell are Ukrainians. I live in a region in Canada full of them. I like them.