Why are SVO word order languages so based?

The vast majority of the world speak languages that are subject-verb-object (SVO), for examplke English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian are all SVO object.

SVO language-speaking people got dominated and BTFO'd by SVO people all the time.

SOV speaking Japanese and Korean women are getting creampied by American soldiers who speak SVO languages right now every day.

SOV speaking Indians got colonized by British people and an SVO language (English) is replacing their mother languages at an alarming rate.

And the SVO speaking Turks historically got creampied by SVO speaking Russians, Chinese, and Arabs.

Why are SVO word ordered languages so based?

Attached: word order of languages.png (1280x592, 329.86K)

Arabic is VSO, and Russian has free order but tends towards SOV, you dumb mutt.

Historically VSO was the preferred choice for Semitic and Austronesian languages.

TIL: Greek is free order, of all things

Russian is primarily SVO in word order in its most natural form. for example, Я eм хлeб (I’m eating bread).

Generally Russian because of inflection, has freer word order, but SVO is sitll most common and natural word order for Russian.

Modern Arabic is primarily an SVO language, especially Egyptian, Syrian, Iraq, and Arabian peninsula dialects.

We are also free order

finnish has free word order though

What the shit

By the time the non SVO conveys his meaning, the SVO is done fucking his wife

>And the SVO speaking Turks historically got creampied by SVO speaking Russians, Chinese, and Arabs.
Ruskis, chinks, and ayraps are literally turkish rapebabies lmao

yes but not really

Every free order language has a most common word order. That doesn't mean it's not free order, as that would mean free order does not exist.

Word order?

Attached: word order fun.png (432x790, 8.71K)

Lol cope, Uyghur and Kazakh women are getting fucked by Chinese and Russian men all the time.

Syrian Arabs are demographically replacing Turks in Turkey.

SVO is still the most common natural word order in both Russian and Finnish.

sanskrit has free order, the only truly based language

So? It still doesn't mean it's not free order.

Have you looked at your country? You've already been demographically replaced

Attached: Screenshot_20220313-135500_Opera.jpg (665x1379, 265.6K)

Mandarin Chinese most basic and natural word order is SVO, however Mandarin also has SVO, SOV, and OSV word order.

The basic word order is SVO, but through particles you can switch the word order.

For example, for the sentence: "The cat ate the fish." It can be written in the following ways...

SVO: 貓吃了魚。(Māo chīle yú.)
SOV: 貓把魚吃了。(Māo bǎ yú chīle.)
OSV: 魚被貓吃了。(Yú bèi māo chīle.)

Latinos and Africans all speak SVO word order languages. Spanish and the vast majority of sub-saharan african languages are SVO word order.

Unlike Turkey which is getting demographically replaced by Syrian SVO word order speaking Arabic bvlls.

Lol coping Mehmet.

Turkish also has SVO word order structure in some sentences. In Turkish, it is normal to use SOV, but SVO may be used sometimes to emphasize the verb. For example, "John terketti Mary'yi" (Lit. John/left/Mary: John left Mary) is the answer to the question "What did John do with Mary?" instead of the regular [SOV] sentence "John Mary'yi terketti" (Lit. John/Mary/left).

>cat in Mandarin is mao
Can't make this shit up

I think most animal names in Chinese are based on the onamatepeia that the animal makes. Like the word for cow in Chinese is (Niu) which kind of sounds like a cow mooing, and the word for duck is (Ya) which kind of sounds like a duck quacking.

lmao no, SVO Russian are for SVO foreigners to familiarize themselves with Russian.
Haпp: Mнe нpaвятcя pyccкиe дeвyшки

what sound does a bird make and why is it "niao"?

That's SVO

Old Chinese is postulated to sound very different than modern Mandarin. Pretty sure it wasn't niu or ya back then.

Russian generally has free word order due to its synthetic nature, but it is undeniable that in writing the most common word order that Russians write in is subject-verb-object. Same is true for all Slavic languages, where SVO is the most commonly used word order.