Doesn't the flag of South Vietnam better represent the culture of Vietnam? I am not defending South Vietnam. However...

Doesn't the flag of South Vietnam better represent the culture of Vietnam? I am not defending South Vietnam. However, I think the flag of South Vietnam is more authentic than the current Vietnam.

Attached: RDT_20220313_0447467365223245505412188.png (2000x1215, 9.82K)


Looks boring , most people would find our current flag more striking . Also that flag is only used by ultra war-boomers and American Asian dispora nut jobs.

Attached: 2560px-Flag_of_Vietnam.svg.png (2560x1707, 15.33K)


Attached: DHL.jpg (678x452, 33.42K)

You guys have a really impressive war record. France, then America, then China.

That flag is just some generic Westoid star with commie colors. Nothing Vietnamese about it. Could be the flag of any African or Latin American country


>white bangladesh


what do three stripes even represent you squid schitzo

Fuck North Vietnam, bring back Champa you chang

乾 sky
yellow = vietnamese and their land
red = vietnamese blood

Attached: 다운로드.jpeg-10.jpg (189x336, 9.01K)

That's such a meme. The current flag has far more emotional and historical significance to the Vietnamese people. The old flag is a bunch of geometry that means nothing but American influence to the common man.

The flag of:
The flag of:

Western stars have absolutely nothing to do with their culture.
China Vietnam DPRK all cucks

for me? its the nva flag

Attached: FNL_Flag.svg.png (1200x800, 14.51K)

said the most westernized country in asia

Attached: i bet you mf cant do this lol.jpg (1000x772, 195.84K)

Well, if Korea also used Latin letters, it would be true.

culturally tho
not gonna go back to learning anything thats related to e*st asia

my man white Bangladesh

Đồng chí à đó là cờ Mặt trận Dân tộc Giải phóng Miền Nam Việt Nam

Do you use a special Vietnamese keyboard to type all of that?

Isn't it bothersome to input tones?

no, we use the same keyboard and a program that allow us to adds diacritics.


we type it like this
dong962 chi1 a2 do91 la2 co72 mat85 tran65 dan6 toc65 giai3 phong1 mien62 nam viet65 nam