Cheap br hotel breakfast

Cheap br hotel breakfast.

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why is the ham rolled

why is there cake for breakfast

Where waffle

Already better than burger Holiday Inns and Best Westerns

yea this is weird

Why not?

lol doubt it

but eating leftover cake in the morning is the best thing ever

I liked Morada do Sol in Araquara.

>eating leftovers in the morning is the best thing ever

Don't you just hate it when some asshole takes all the bacon from the hot plate only to eat around half of what he took?

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Easier to pick it up with the tongs

Cheap Japanese Hotel Breakfast.

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in my trip to Camboriu with my class, we picked a lot of bolas de queijo in a bag to eat while riding the bus.

Is that pee?

Expensive br hotel

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After drinking a lot of beer...

I've seen those a couple times, it's not the best, but i like it

Sad little old tomato

Why there air in your lungs.
Why is there fish in the ocean.

that's a pickled plum you ignorant Westoid fuck

You recognized that as a tomatisha? It looks like baboon anus.