Albino pajeetas

would you?

Attached: Screenshot_2022_0312_021005.jpg (684x384, 63.61K)

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holy fuck that's just scary imagine seeing them while going to pee at night

Nordic women...

Mein Gott...

Hans, take off the proxy

She literally looks like a white woman mimicking an Indian accent

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I'm going to genetically engineer albinoids in India. Imagine if 700 million women looked like OP.

>Imagine if 700 million women looked like OP.
It would be good for you
But bad for us whitebois

i have a theory that white people look the way they do because they are half albino while asians are half down syndrome.

They should work as Ads actors for skin whitening products there, Companies would pay them alot of money for that, apparently these kind of products are extremely popular among indians since they are big white worshippers with no self awareness and since they are extremely stupid they would actually fall for it and believe them

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niggers are prototype
brown people are default
whities and asians are mods

Post rare albinos from maghreb, arabia, south and central america, south east asia, far east asia and central asia

people in India don't want albino skin...
Mediterranean complexion (gora) is what people want. The kind of skin colour Nordic people and Albinos have is called Udjarr (literally "torn apart") in Hindi and is seen as bad. Albinos are a taboo thing in India.

Looks tranny

>people in India don't want albino skin
>Udjarr (literally "torn apart") in Hindi and is seen as bad.
>Albinos are a taboo thing in India
why ? does it have to do with something in the indian folklore or religion like how it's the case in Sub Saharan africa ? apparently albinos get literally killed there in a very cruel way and used for rituals and stuff. Or is it just a superstition because of the meaning of the word or something ?

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skinwalkers, nahualas, brujas

Albinism in India is a death sentence without modern medicine and knowledge. With no melanin to defend you from the Indian Sun you'd die off a brutal skin cancer. That's how it's always been.

looks german.

Isn't India pretty sunny and hot? Albinos are very likely to get heat strokes and skin cancer.

White Chicks...

Attached: white chicks.jpg (1000x1480, 167.93K)

Best white face hollywood ever produced.