Reminder that Paraguay is based

Reminder that Paraguay is based

Attached: Paraguay.png (3787x2164, 3.41M)

paraguay = pair of guay = refers to the two guays (paraguay and uruguay)

Eike nde revikuape rapai tembo

I agree

ParaGAY lol


reminder that no one can unironically situate none of these countries on a map
>inb4 tftp
i know

Speak the language of your conquerors, aka brazilian.

Paraguay is based because they used to have forced interracial marriages. They didn't allow two white people to marry each other.

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Nhanderu kyra riguazú for you too

i only know that rapai = brazilian

Not, they that never had white woman

>revives an entire language all on his own
nothing personnel

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This is the history of Paraguay:
>conquistadors created Buenos Aires, ...
>fueguinos turned into dust the city, and people fleed
>they came by Santa Catarina via River Peixe, Ivaí, as refugees to the portuguese degrees
>they give they some food
>go without notion and just founded Assunción
>any man have 8 guarani wifes
That IS ALL, because of diculty of area and diculty of acess, they never had a criollo paraguayan

Añara cope guare


brazilian penis inside your ass?

>>any man have 8 guarani wifes
Imagine. Unless they had to provide for all 8 of them, then it's just hell.

This is not my notes, is related of Cabeza de Vaca, when was paraguayan governator

"introduce yourself inside your own asshole, you brazilian dick" would be the literal translation, but it's more like "go fuck yourself (brazilian=rapai) idiot"

This is normal to tupi and guarani cultures... Portugueses here also marry 20/30 wifes tupis, ...

wtf I was complimenting you in the OP
why are you guys always rude like the argentinians

It sounds way meaner in English, it's like banter