How many crimes against humanity does this flag have?

How many crimes against humanity does this flag have?

Attached: image_2022-03-12_092352.png (1200x600, 11.87K)

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>Against humanity



when they gonna apologize and kneel for this
i dont accept kneeling and apologize but i do accept blowjobs

Attached: download.jpg (279x181, 11.42K)

not enough

I lost my virginity in london from an english godess
so none they are clean as my cum

surprisingly based replies itt so far, not bad

all of them we are the most evil country in history france should have won the seven years war and napoleonic wars also france has never done anything wrong
I spit on le perfide anglais


We are the real victims of the British empire

Only one: creating fr*nce
Wrong france is garbage surrender monkey shithole which has never contributed to anything in human history

>crimes against humanity

Attached: spinsoy.gif (387x437, 56.86K)

name a bigger war crime than creating the united states

Creating france/letting us live

Just one: being racist.

Too many to count
some of my favorites:
>industrial revolution
>endless wars
>undermining every other nation
>central banking
>creating football
>creating amerikkka (holy shit!!!)
>funding terrorism around the globe
>creating israel

Anglo-Saxons were originally from Germany, so they are actually German war crimes.

The only war crime possible to commit is losing

us normans and celts are not to blame for the heinous crimes of the un*ted k*ngdom

Aw sweet! The schizos are back!

>Entire British aristocracy is Norman-descended
>we dindu nuffin

>industrial revolution
>creation of israel and usa
brits made a contract with satan

our monarchy are g*rmans
us normans havent done anything since 1066

Our post-WWII immigration policy means we suffer enough for our past crimes.

If they weren't around, there would be no ww1 and ww2, india would be whole, china wouldn't end up communist, australia would have been colonised by actual human beings, am*ricans wouldn't be retarded, no one would even know what an ar*b is and fundamental islamist wouldn't exist.

Cope . France is garbage


explain yourself

>Aw sweet! The schizos are back!

Attached: 53d.png (1280x2000, 1.41M)

how? tinder?

Stop cutting down the Amazon, you bellwhiff.

birds and plants are not humanity
but in any case this is hardly surprising
britain is a very densely populated country and urbanisation was always going to take its toll
your article says as much