Why do people glorify genghis khan ?

He killed millions.

Attached: History_Mankind_Gehghis_Khan_redo_SF_HD_1104x622-16x9.jpg (548x309, 15.33K)

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To save billions.

only wypipo care about casualties when discussing a historical figure, normalpipo discuss the achievements and strategies used for success

Yeah but he did it in the chaddest way possible, it was the ultimate level of not giving a fuck what your reputation would be from your actions

he killed half of mongolians first then went conquiering others

Alexander and Napoleon killed fuckton of people too and Europeans glorify them as well. There's nothing wrong with glorifying ancient conquerors

How about modern conquerors?

he's relived in iran so

>Gets cucked once (his first son most likely isn't his)
>Proceed to cuck millions across Asia
What a character arc.

Murder is cool.

I was under the assumption that in Europe itself, basically only the French don't hate Napoleon's guts.

Yes. Though people will look at you like a hipster


He killed muslims. That's more social work and environmental protection done by a single man than all of the western virtue signalling dogs combined

On the other hand, he destroyed the irrigation system that helped the middle east be greener than it would naturally be. Kind of a dick move, region has never recovered.

people are stupid

more news at 11

>Frenchies glorify an Italian as their most powerful ruler ever


Dsching, Dsching, Dschingis Khan
He Reiter, ho Reiter, he Reiter, immer weiter

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>He killed millions.

Attached: A353EEF6-07EE-44AE-8532-AEC98EC92BEF.jpg (722x720, 82.84K)

>he killed millions of middle easterns.
based beyond comparison.