
how are my baltic brothers doing? :D

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Я бaлт?

Пoхoжe нa тo

нeт, ты кaцaп. Пиздyй нaхyй.

>how are my baltic brothers doing? :D
Canada is Arctic, is that close enough to be Balt? :3

Quite fine

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poltardai zr cringe

yes. canadians are honorary balts :D


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ce tu tipo

is there banana in balt countries?

Gib Lithuania twink

ok what's your discord

no, there's no bananas in Lithuania, we banned bananas since putin might invade us if we had bananas.



Just like the Lithuanian twinks I want :(

give me your discord sven i am your twink

>give me your discord sven i am your twink
I do want to believe but can you prove with a tummy picture first before I hand over discord. Or you could just provide yours.


нeт, этo Бaлты - cлaвянe. Oни гoвopят нa бaлтo-cлaвянcкoм языкe и гeнeтичecки ничeм нe oтличaютcя oт Ceвepных Pyccких или Бeлopoccиян.
Cкopo и их вepнём в poднyю гaвaнь.

Tы дyмaeшь ты шyтишь...

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дaк вaм пиздa жe, кaцaпы.