This is the world's most attractive woman

This is the world's most attractive woman.

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Forgetting someone?

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lips say a lot of blowjobs, she could pass if less slutty

Yeah she's pretty hot

She tried making a movie about us once and we were all cringing about it, and then she released the movie and it was so unbelievably stupid and recycled the previous 35 movies about some Bosnian civilian having a hard time during a war, made by 35 other Hollywood snobs running out of ideas. And then she never talked to us again because her movie flopped.

Then she like, divorced Brad or whatever. Man, poor Brad.

old roastie

I don't think she's attractive at all, she's overrated

She was pretty when she was young.
She looks like she has AIDS now

and of course she has east european roots

westoid women can't compete

no thoughts
only sex

7/10 at her peak which was 20/25 years ago.

She was. 25 years ago.

For me now it's Daddario. She hasn't even aged much in the past ten years.

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that was in 2002 retard norway. (and it wasnt true)
shes just an old hag now

On a good day she is an 8/10 who is slightly bogged. She's top 5-10% of women but not #1

>slightly bogged
Are you drunk again mr pilkington

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God i wish i was her cambodian stepson

You want to have a threesome with her and brad pitt?

Brad Pitt is an angry, abusive piece of shit. Most people in Hollywood are insufferable faggots.

so is jolie too

she was always fugly

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who? anyways too old

Which is more damaging, having Jolie as your mother or Pitt as your father?

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jolie is the one turning them all into troons

Imagine fucking prime jolie as you suck off prime pitt

Does she have a penis?

not defending her
single moms are way worse than single dads

that spanish woman that spanish people keep posting as spanish woman beauty is the one