Do you dream about snakes or your teeth falling out?

Do you dream about snakes or your teeth falling out?

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I dream about fucking big bunda women

I dream about colors who don't make any sense and girls.

Nigera ain't fucking around

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truly a monky dream

Everyone I know has died in my dreams at some point another.

i dreamt about fucking up at my job so hard i collapsed the entire international conglomerate which owns my workplace, because i mishandled a lab reagent that was worth several billion euro and everyone went batshit insane and yelled at me

truly assionate and romantic people

its this like 6 days of the week and 1 day about females.

Attached: dream.jpg (2245x2097, 840.37K)

Green ones are the only based ones.

I dream of various things, but all my nightmares have involved insects for some reason.

Last night I dreamed I was in a brothel. I should go to Europe and make it come true.

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this saied i believe everyone dreams about stuff the truly earns, for me its a color full world full of woman and for you its snakes and hellfire.

I have nightmares about tsunamis and going bald

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Last night I dreamt that somebody loved me

why do i have to wake up bros

Snakes. I never dream about love, or being embarrassed, and have never once dreamed of my teeth falling out. My most common dreams are:

1. Worms crawling through my veins, which I have to pull out through my skin
2. Being somewhere I'm not supposed to be, and being watched / having to run
3. Being in a room where I know there are snakes but can't see them

Attached: snake.jpg (626x360, 53.79K)

Wow the other day i had the teeth falling dream

I had the first dream of my adult life last night. I work at a deli, and in the dream I was just stacking some cheeses when I heard a bang, my vision, started to fade, and I collapsed. I woke up panicking in a cold sweat and my heart was racing like it never has before.

What the fuck does this mean

I have nightmares of not being bald anymore