

Attached: indonesia.jpg (1280x720, 126.97K)

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how can indonesia be so huge and massively populated yet completely irrelevant on the world stage?

Economic exploitation.

D*tch stole their resources

A lot of what makes a country relevant on the world stage is media culture. Everyone knows about Korea now.

Who is going watch a show about indonesia? 5ft tall brown boys and girls running in tin roof cities? not very interesting. Bahasa music? Have you heard their language? sounds like a cat being skinned

we are humble

rather dishonest that image innit

Attached: us_indonesia.png (517x576, 25.44K)

But The Hobbit is interesting

bad dutch bad

they’re brown

>Who is going watch a show about indonesia
I did

Attached: MV5BMTAxZjYxNjQtMTgzMi00YWI3LWJjNzktNTI4OGQwMTE5YjZhXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNTA0OTU0OTQ@._V1_SY1000_CR0,0,763,1000_AL_-1.jpg (763x947, 535.55K)

What do they have to sell other than cheap agricultural products?
They don't have raw materials for industry and they have a lot of earthquakes otherwise making micro-technology a no-go too.
They're in a pretty shit place to make a rich country from.

retard large portion of our exports are raw material for industries.
thats why this country is such a shithole, we sell our nickels, steels, coals, woods, our natural gas, and then we import the end products at higher prices. the question is not the raw materials, its the human resources that is absolute dogshit.

I 100% agree with the language part. It sounds awful.

>poor shithole before Dutch occupation
>poor shithole during Dutch occupation
>poor shithole after Dutch occupation
Yes, clearly it's our fault

Huh, that was my error.
I must have been equating them with some other nation in my head.
You lot need to clamp down on that then.

Copy the Chinese. They're like the only modern example of how to successfully go from Zero to Hero. Instead of being taken over by the West regardless.
Lock down exports of raw materials and start pumping out semi-processed materials to start off like steel or alloys that are made into secondary goods by others. And then start moving upwards from there.
Probably going to have to nationalize a lot of the mining companies to do it though. So that'll be a struggle.

At least they are united now, a important stuff to be properous as a giga ammount of Islands


nigga you prohibited an entire generation of local traders from trading and replace them with the more compliant chinamen

Is this looks like shithole?

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