I thought Catalan was a weak language, but then I realized one country has it as its only official language

I thought Catalan was a weak language, but then I realized one country has it as its only official language.

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basat ;)
a veure si apareix una rareflag andorra per aquí

I respect Andorra's strength.

their real sovereignty is REALLY cucked by France and Spain though

>ANYTHING happens in Andorra
>France: I got you bro
>Spain: I got you bro
Sounds comfy.

yeah but it's like they control their schools and shit

Yeah but they steal our ecelebs so it's a tie.

I thank them for doing that

But think of the negligible tax money they evade, we could give that give to moors and gypsies

yeah, and I would like Rubius to come back here and be my neighbor, we could play games together

How can we kill catalonian in this place castillabros?
We must destroy it


Por el Imperio. Todos comerán chorizo de Pamplona.

Esta peninsula no es lo suficientemente grande como para los dos jordi

Man, you have to read Félix Rodrigo Mora. He was born in Soria and he is a true Castillian nationalist. He loves Castilla and he has walked through all of it and met its people and its places and everything. And yet, he supports the idea of Castillian nationalism NOT eating other nations like the Catalan or the Basque one.
I'm a Catalan nationalist. You are a Castillian nationalist. You have Castilla, Andalucía and so on, your natural domains, just let me have Catalonia and Andorra so that my language and culture can thrive where it's natural and deserved for them to exist.

la diferencia clave es que yo no quiero que se hable catalán en Madrid, quiero que mi nación exista de forma libre sin imponerse a ninguna otra nación

I cannot I must destroy iberian regional languages, it's a compulsion.

I was joking... I have Basque family, I was born in the Catalan side, and I am culturally Castillian. I will always protect the plurality of our nation which sets us apart from the rest, one thing is sure though, they are not leaving Spain.

you are joking, but there is something innate in a lot of Spanish people in wanting to annihilate anything non-Castillian in Spain. I guess it's something natural in all countries, the intuitive tendency to homogenization, I mean, it's what they did in Italy and France. But it still feels terrible when you are not a Castillian in Spain, you feel really hated for being different and as if they want to destroy your identity and assimilate you all the time.

Es un chiste, como si quréis hablar en arameo mientras no pitéis el himno todos contentos.

>I will always protect the plurality of our nation which sets us apart from the rest, one thing is sure though, they are not leaving Spain.
the thing is all countries tend to homogenization, places like Switzerland or Belgium are very rare exceptions (you can see the huge divide and tensions between Flemish and Walloons there). The army of a country needs to have 1 only language, they couldn't allow their soldiers to speak Euskera and Catalan, it would a mess, it wouldn't be practical at all.
So it's either assimilation or separatism.

I'm Portuguese and I understood that entire post

Volta para casa João

Hopefully Basque and Catalan leave like smart Portugal. You Asspainiards are like Anglos mentally but very incompetent.

>mientras no pitéis el himno todos contentos.
las naciones no castellanas de España nunca podrán sentirse representados por símbolos españoles como el himno, porque por número y poder los castellanos habéis ganado y os habéis impuesto al resto, creando esta idea que España = Castilla. La capital está en Madrid y el único idioma que es oficial en todo el país es el castellano. Las regiones más pobres como Galicia o la Comunidad Valenciana se asimilan más rápidamente porque para ellos el castellano es un símbolo de progreso y futuro (su lengua lo asocian a lo pobre y rural). Pero en sitios como Catalunya o Euskadi hay más rechazo a sentirse españoles porque se siente que la propia cultura es lo suficientemente buena y fuerte como para existir de forma independiente a la castellana.

We never left as we were never part of it

Portuguese and Catalan also sound quite similar, I heard in a Portuguese TV show that they thought Catalans sounded like drunk Portuguese

Tenho saudades de comer pasteis de nata..

It's all the x sounds

To me this sounds like I'm listening to a Portuguese girl talk except I'm having a stroke and I can't quite compute it. No wonder my friend learned PT so quickly.

Não há pasteis de nata em Inglaterra?
É pena desu

So de imitação, meio merdosos. Se eu voltar toda a gente vai chamar-me camon e tal de qualquer maneira, como o protagonista de Morrowind mesmo se escolheres Dunmer, e sempre chamado outlander porque a gente nota que nao tem exatamente os mesmos maneirismos e tal.

Los vascos y los catalenes teneis tantas competencias que sois medio independientes ya.
Hablad en el idioma que querais y haced lo que querais, mientras pagéis vuestra parte al gobierno central y no pitéis el himno me vale a mí y al 90% de españoles.
Y si los valencianos y gallegos votan al pp, pues es su culpa.

>Se eu voltar toda a gente vai chamar-me camon
Mais vale camones do que aveques tbqh
mas n ligues ao que o pessoal pensa

I believe in a third way. Of course we need some degree of assimilation, that's why Castillian should always be the first language, but that doesn't mean we have to extinguish the other languages and cultures. What is plaguing us right now is this fucking shadow of Franco that the separatists use to fuel their phobia towards the rest of the population and the government (see xarnegos y forasters) and then we have politicians creating divisions between us, fuck I hate them. A plurality of people, one nation.

>the x sounds
like the x in xerrar, ximpleria, caixa...?
kek, it's also bc this is a dialect of Catalan spoken in the Balearic island, which sounds more like Portuguese than the one from Barcelona. Let me show you the one from Barcelona and tell me if you still think it sounds like Portuguese: