Britain still controlled India in 1946

>Britain still controlled India in 1946
what the actual FUCK, historically-speaking that's practically yesterday

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Britain gave up India under pressure from the communist world revolution

We waged a war over Indonesia after WW2. But America got mad at us and forced us to decolonize. Because we used the marshall plan money to wage war.

Apparently American politicians werent charmed by waging a colonial war with their money.

Not my problem

Everyone would be better off if we were in charge of it yesterday

Fun fact: India was not a colony, it was kind of a part of Britain itself. Every Indian was a British citizen. This always boggles my mind. No Britisher or Indian needed a permit to visit the UK or India.

Unironically kino

thats after the Indian Revolt of 1858. Victoria proclaimed herself as Empress of India putting Indians at par with British subjects. it required a lot of Indian blood to force them to not treat Indian citizens like colonials.

Arghhh i gotta COLOOONIZEE

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>Britain still controlled India in 1946
Then, a glorified hippie took it from then

So Indians could vote in British elections?

Problem was we also needed to be friends with America just in case the Russians turned out to be less friendly.

Well, I wouldn't call Bose a hippie.

Biggest mistake brownoids did was to revolt against white masters.
We should've bend over and let them keep us

And you are now aware that Chandernagore was still French in 1952.
Pondichéry, Karikia, Yanaon, Mahé until 1962.
And they only merged with India in 1963.

Yes, technically. Although I doubt many did. People travelled to Britain mostly for giving civil servant exams and trade. Even today Indians can vote in British elections. I think the requirement is simply staying in Britain for certain amount of time

We were also independent by 1946
Indiabros, we are batchmates!

Euroshits were killing eachother by the millions and genociding jews by the millions in my grandpa's lifespan and now like to play as the peaceful and safe pacifist

>Even today Indians can vote in British elections. I think the requirement is simply staying in Britain for certain amount of time
That holds for all commonwealth countries -- even when we were in the EU, a resident Indian citizen would be allowed to vote in UK Parliamentary elections while a resident EU citizen would not (unless they're Irish, who are pseudo commonwealth).

The fact is that India would be 10x more livable today if Britian still controlled India.

Yea, for anglos. Not for the rest of us.

Imperial Federation was a good idea. We could have world peace. One world parliament, direct rule from