How do you say i suffer in your language?

How do you say i suffer in your language?

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eu não nasci no primeiro mundo

Sorry but you do not have a concept of suffering. Your translation will not capture what I'm trying to convey

Well, to be fair bong bro, I live a pretty comfy life here because of my family's relative wealth. Unfortunately Im retarded and autistic as hell, so it kind cancels everything out.

ja patim

I lidä.

eu sofro

Ma kannatan

man irani hastam.

Aš kenčiu

Attached: Mask.png (472x468, 72.12K)


hypo+phero = sub+ferre (suffer) = sub + bear

I was staying with a greek family when I was a kid and I got serious sunburns, they kept laughing and telling me "haha micros agonia agonia haha"

Was it "agoNIa" or "agoniA"?

That's not Swedish...

qıynalıp atam


he redeemed


Je souffre

Können sie ihn mir bitte hinten reinstecken.
np. pro.

aнглo гoт вaт ит дeзepвз

Ich leide