Be portuguese sailor, a complete badass and fearless explorer of the unknown

>be portuguese sailor, a complete badass and fearless explorer of the unknown
>colonize a fertile and hospitable land stretching out as far as the eye can see
>locals are qt brown girls looking for seks
>get modern day Brazil

>be british lowlife, cutthroat, pariah, scum all around
>get sent to barren desert island in the middle of the giant pacific
>locals are extremely hostile and deadly
>get modern day civilized Australia
What the fuck how

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Brazil is actually quite nice if you are upper-middle class

Nice environments and easy living make for bad societies. Compare inhospitable shithole geography of Norway versus the comfy warm and fertile lands of Sub-Saharan Africa, which are inhospitable due to the people.

>locals are extremely hostile and deadly
Abos were literal cavemen

Reminder: Cavemen of Europe had significantly higher IQs and larger cranial volume/capacity than modern, specialized bugmen who live in a society.

>the bigger the brain = moar smurt
No scientific basis to this claim.

Brazil wasn’t a fertile and hospitable land and locals weren’t qt brown girls.
It was a dense jungle with mountains through the entire coast and natives were warmonger cannibals.
That’s the reason why Portuguese lived exclusively in the coast while the chad Bandeirante Paulista explored the interior.

>wants to reach india
>lands in brasil instead

Anglo legal and political system is vastly better. This is why every single Spanish and Portuguese colony is varying degrees of fail and all the Anglo settler colonies are first world.

meds are literally incapable of running a government

What about the harsh lands of siberia and the fertile lands of China?

>No início da colonização, os interesses de Portugal se concentravam no litoral ou próximo dele, uma vez que nele estavam localizados o extrativismo do pau-brasil e o plantio da cana-de-açúcar. O fator geográfico, portanto, foi um dos que mais desmotivaram a penetração dos colonizadores: a Serra do Mar, que era uma “grande muralha”, recoberta por densas matas, dificultava a penetração. Em 1585, Fernão Cardim, tendo acompanhado o padre jesuíta Cristóvão de Gouveia de São Vicente a São Paulo, relatou: “O caminho é cheio de tijucos, o pior que nunca vi e sempre íamos subindo e descendo serras altíssimas e passando rios e caudais de águas frigidíssimas”. Os rios serviam somente como pontos de referência, oferecendo poucas condições à navegação, pois possuíam diversas quedas d'água, corredeiras e formações rochosas, sendo um outro empecilho à penetração do branco no território brasileiro.
Portuguese niggas would never be able to actually explore Brazil.

>Nice environments and easy living make for bad societies
No civilization emerged in cold or hot wastelands, Northern europe and Japan were lucky to have technology and knowledge from the rest of the world when everything was already invented and tested while being poor in resources and isolated enough from the rest of eurasian armies

>select language

daily reminder australia was discovered by indians way before brits. genetic evidence shows that abbos and Indian migrants had sex with each other around 2217 BC.

You people had sex with those things. Amazing


how did you know they had higher IQ? who gave them an IQ test?

>i-its inferred
so its bullshit gotcha.

You’re too low-IQ, you wouldn’t get it.

northern europeans are those eurasian armies

Weren’t smart enough to survive the ice age Neandercuck
