Vassalization of Colombia completed

Vassalization of Colombia completed

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Isn't Puerto Rico like a literal vassal of the US?

>Joe Bidensaid: "I've said for a long time Colombia is a keystone to our shared efforts to build a hemisphere as prosperous, secure and democratic ... Today I'm proud to announce that I intend to designate Colombia a major non-NATO ally ... that’s exactly what you are".

They want to be though. We've tried to talk them out of it a few times.

Yes. I would consider CR a protectorate as well.

we need china to destroy colombia

putin has done more for the us empire than the last 5 presidents

They keep voting to become a State but USA keeps them deep in the friendzone

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Nothing wrong with this. Colombia is the US's backyard.

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In wie fern?

Bolivar se esta teniendo sueños humedos o se esta revolcando en su tumba?

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Means nothing unless you host US bases and troops.

America treats 90% of its allies as Twitter followers; the more, the merrier.

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can venezuela help the FARC to attack colombia?

Colombia as major ally of USA is a danger to all south american countries. USA could drag Colombia in one his stupid conflicts.

columbia secured the bag pog

That's EXACTLY what they are planning. Amerimutts really want to put this continent under fire.

yes. they can't be a state because Republicans don't want another Democratic state but if Dems ever get a supermajority, which probably won't happen in the near future, they will be. Matter of time at this point desu.

>Allying with the US to promote democracy and development? Bad.
>Allying with Russia and China who prop up shitty dictators like Maduro that starve their own people just to annoy the US and own the libs? Good.

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Puerto Ricans voted against becoming a state.

both are bad, and nobody cares about maduro or venezuela, we know they are bad


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>America hasn't propped up shitty dictatorships
>America isn't still propping up shitty dictatorships

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