Aaahh... the redhead beauty of England

Aaahh... the redhead beauty of England...

Attached: 1646929391887.jpg (720x720, 83.75K)

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they really got CELTED hard

I feel old now.

31 years old...
Bong bros, what happened?

Please tell me this is not who I think she is. I am afraid to google that image.

I still would

What are you thinking about?

Attached: 9436da38c61302026fc63eed3bd1f56f255da864_00.jpg (382x512, 27.8K)

I want to shit between her tits and kill her with a hammer

Attached: MV5BOWU4MTI2OTctODQ1ZS00MGM1LWJkM2EtODE3MGNkNmIyZDEwXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjQwMDg0Ng@@._V1_UY264_CR16,0,178,264_AL_.jpg (178x264, 8.83K)


Luv me readheads.
Simple as.

Attached: 1.jpg (959x958, 60.94K)

He's french btw

That HAS to be shooped, right?


No fucking way, that has to be an edit

That has to be shopped

He's American

Attached: 1623330057022.png (736x258, 33.77K)

Attached: FNbmOq4VUAU0y24.jpg (768x1024, 132.1K)

Doesn't look edited. Here's one straight from her IG.

Attached: 209290271_963973961108108_2364050791705432545_n.jpg (1440x1440, 269.45K)

isnt she irish? they look 40 at 18

That's fake red idiot. You can literally see the color change close to the scalp.


Potterbros... at least Hermione still looks good, right?