Are shopping malls popular in your country?

Are shopping malls popular in your country?

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Idk. Doesn't everyone just shop online these days anyway?

Not anymore. I guess it's the same case everywhere.

not really, malls are more popular than ever in northern europe, because our climate sucks. Theres atleast 3 new malls that opened near me in last 5 years.

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Only if you are from são paulo.

pic related is the mall in my city

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and the inside

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yes, we have 3 malls in my city
2 of them for the middle class
1 of the for the upper-middle class

yes, i went to the mall recently but everything is the same price online

Lots of malls in my city, I like them in not busy days, I can order ice cream and eat it by the garden and fountains :)

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not as popular as 2010s,there are shit ton of malls here in tehran (like fucking 400 of them)but mostly nowadays only richfags go there shopping .

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yes. there's nothing else to do

In Bucharest there is a proliferation of malls in large part because commie-blocks make for high density areas in walking distance to malls.

This also has the side effect of ruining the old city center (which is in decay) because people spend all their time in malls.

>פתח תקווה

The nearest mall is almost an hour away. I loved going there as a kid.


They modernized one in my cunt, it's pretty nice but unfortunately always crowded

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i love them because i'm generally fascinated by large public buildings

בוא לחריש,
זה מקום עם נשמה

They are still popular although the oldest ones or those without big brands/stores are becoming abandoned. I like visiting the expensive ones where rich families go not only because they are the nicest looking but also because I like to pretend I'm rich and full of hope.

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Second largest m*ll in latin america

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