Fat ameriKKKan jew got caught

Fat ameriKKKan jew got caught

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>Um. No. It's fake news from Russia and China. There are NO Biolabs in Ukraine
>*deletes all mention of Biolabs from all government websites*
>Actually, there ARE Biolabs in Ukraine

Why are (((they))) like this? Just like how they said all vaccines were safe and effect, and just last week, Pfizer released their own report on how their vaccines causes myocarditis in 4% of recipients.

Faterikan got caught in her fatness

We legit need a serious fall from grace that shoots some humbleness into the leadership. But I'm afraid that will only make them more desperate and irrational


We are sorry in advance.

There are VIDEOS of that pig talking about it

Link to the report? interested

>“We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”
i think that a bunch of politicians got too drunk from power and thought that they can do whatever the hell they want and now it's just catching up to them.

what do you mean (((they)))? Aren't they supposed to be nazis?

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Daily macaco schizo thread

>amerisharts without showing any proofs: there are weapons of mass destruction in Iraq!
the Natomedia: "yes!!we need to invade"
>russians: there are biolabs in Ukraine and Victoria Nuland herself admitted it
the Natomedia: "nooo!its a lie!! conspiracy"

Of course YOU would say that. You know he knows, and he knows that you know that he knows, and he is not afraid.

Okay, shekelbergstein

It's stupid because politicians are largely braindead lapdogs anyway. The financial system and its mechanics is what matters, generally.

The CIA can prop up a coalition of Nazis and Jews if it wants to, you insensitive bigot.

I don't understand, is it illegal to have biological laboratories in your country? Doesn't every country have those?

Schizomacaco back at it again? The biolabs? What about them haha? They gonna create the zomby virus? Macaco...

>There are VIDEOS of that pig talking about it
>post none of them

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US biolabs which they denied and hid.

Do you know how powerful bioweapons are bro. It's not like they haven't been used, even in recent history.

Amerigoys sanctioned anyone who developed biological/chemical weapons but they themselves still """""research""""" stuff on foreign soil which according to them is totally legal and ethical

>denied and hid
ok and? The US was prepping to poison all of Russia?

Amazing. Russians discovered research labs at Russian borders and still prioritize killing what they no doubt consider gay fetuses in wombs of their mothers over finding those secret labs two weeks into the invasion.

Yeah. Putin, Lavrov etc. vile.