Why are squids like that ?

Why are squids like that ?

Attached: Suicide-is-painless-It-brings-on-many-changes-And-you-can-take-or-leave-it-If-you-choose-MASH.jpg (700x714, 103.51K)


Pretty sure that would happen in any country, but still kekworthy

>What do you mean, you're not happy? Look at all these happy people. Are you broken?
What the fuck were they thinking?

sure it did @facts_and_conspiracy

Attached: sk neolib.jpg (1125x948, 179.33K)

based suiciders btfo'ing the life insurance company trying to skimp on costs

Unspeakably based Koreans

120 hours a week
literally working 18 hours a day

>120h work week

Attached: 8fgtm85bqoj11.jpg (483x470, 34.46K)

They won't have any time to play Work Simulator!

Germans might actually find that relaxing

they literally won't be able to sleep 8 hours a day, much less do anything like having kids to rescue SK's abysmal birthrate

Ikr how can they have time to play forklift operator simulator

120/5 = 24

you might actually be fucking retarded if you actually think someone is advocating a 120 hour work week. sounds like something taken out of context

>implying they get weekends off


Attached: DPRKworkWeek.png (717x125, 22.07K)

What the fuck, how can anyone say shit like that about their countrymen? How is this possible? How long are we in Kali Yuga?

Is South Korea worse than America? I always thought America and Japan were the worse developed countries when it came to being a wagie.

Attached: 2d1.jpg (450x512, 22.68K)

i was dividing it by 7, because there are 7 days in a week retard

People like a challenge.

it's more humane to just bomb and kill people than treat them like this

Almost hoping this happens to there can be a worker's uprising against the government and reunification can happen under Juche Socialism

Attached: FleeingCapitalismToTheDPRK.png (1219x1620, 1.47M)