Who are more evil?

Who are more evil?

Attached: Flag-Pins-Germany-Great-Britain_600x600.jpg (400x320, 30.41K)

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Your English teacher.

>who are
Who is

he wanted a bunch of them on earth; i'd say it's pretty clear who's worse

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Germans committed genocides just 89 ago, and they supported that through elections.

England, on the other hand, completed its transition to parliamentarism centuries before similar processes began in the rest of Europe after the implementation of enlightened despotism and the revolutions succeeded by the French.



>Germans committed genocides just 89 ago


England elected this fat, selfish faggot and watched in awe as he burned hundreds of thousands of civilians alive because of his ego

The person that britain considers their greatest leader literally put his own needs before everyone else in the country, that is a great example of the way the British are

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Unironically German they are worse than Russians.

neither, both forces for good

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The difference being that Germany waited weeks after britain started bombing civilians, hoping that they would stop, trying to reach out to them

The Nazis were actually the peace loving ones

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first post best post
ESL on the ropes

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"In this hour I feel it to be my duty before my own conscience to appeal once more for reason and common sense, to Great Britain as much as elsewhere.
I consider myself in a position to make this appeal since I am not the vanquished begging favours, but the victor speaking in the name of reason.

I see no reason why this war must go on.

Possibly Mr.Churchill will again brush aside this statement of mine by saying that it is merely of fear and doubt in our final victory.

In that case, I shall have relieved my conscience in regards to the things to come.”

That’s not funny

>It is a queer sort of liberation
well he was right about that wasnt he

tfw we would be citizens of the third riech if hitler didnt do the jews bidding and not destroy the allied army at dunkirk

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>but the victor speaking in the name of reason.

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>That’s not funny

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Anglos are more evil because they've only ever done it for money

cow dung eating widow burners are objectively the most evil

hows he doing now? his russia remarks seem to be directed to deaf ears

jerry tears are priceless tho

I mean, just look at the modern world. It's pretty obvious that evil won.

If the Luftwaffe didn't accidentally bomb the east end of London then perhaps the public would never have rallied around Churchill and he would have lost support in parliament.


There's a lot of German women on interpals and they all want to chat me up because I'm semi-decent at their language. Don't get why we need to hate each other desu. Seems a bit silly. Make love not war, y'know?

He needs to get back in politics the big nigger

He was the victor at the time that he said that, there was no indication Germany would lose to Britain but he didn’t want the war to go on anyway, he was a little too much of an Anglophile I guess

Yeah but he wanted to do it before that, that was just a reason for him to do it, he was still evil

I like English women too, I bought some hand pictures off of a girl in instagram just a couple hours ago

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