12 year old genius Chika Ofili makes history by unearthing a mathematical discovery...

12 year old genius Chika Ofili makes history by unearthing a mathematical discovery. His new formula makes math way easier to understand than what schools teach us. He discovered the formula while doing homework. Chika received a prestigious award. Does this happen in your country?

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incel anons will undermine his merit ITT but he is legit smarter than 99% Any Forums posters


Not exactly a high bar

The rule and technique previously existed. But for a 12 year old to independently identify and discover it shows a great acumen in math. Lets keep an eye on this one and wish him luck.


>The rule and technique previously existed.
Did it really?

What's the use of it?

yes but africans discovered numbers only 20 years ago so it is a great advance for them


Yes. I checked.

Yeah if he found it himself he definitely has a keen eye. Guy could probably get into number theory

>Chika Ofili
Chicken Filet?

Racist and counterproductive to international discussion.

did I lie tho?

africans were using complex mathematics 4000 years ago in order to build the pyramids

You did

yes, you lied



Reminds me of when I was in Middle School and we were taught how to quickly check if a number was divisible be 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 9 but not 7 or 8 for some reason.

Maybe but his "discovery" has no real significance since you can easily check if a number is divisible by 7 via a simple computer code

No they used cranes and slaves, stacking bricks is something a monkey can do

I did stuff like this in year 6 (figured out that long division and multiplication could be made easier if you factorised the divider/multiplier)
Dropped maths 5 years later because I ended up shit at it


>7 x 7 = 49
>49 x 10 = 490
>532 - 490 = 42
>42 / 7 = 6

there's already a better way to do it, instead of multiplying by 5 you multiply by -2