Wake up

>wake up
>the '''''''''''''country'''''''''''' called Ukraine still exists
What's going on, Rusbros?

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My sheer extreme Rusophobia is stopping them in their tracks despite the continental distance.

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hero of our times

I kneel...

It's called attrition warfare. Waiting for dem nazis and their supporters to starve on ammo and food and gas and then just surrender or die.


I think that this is gonna happen to your troops first

>Waiting for dem nazis and their supporters to starve on ammo and food and gas and then just surrender or die.
enough about russia

just 2 more works

Yeah we did that for 20 years in Afjammystam

Not enough VDV

Good. Keep thinking that way, it helps us.


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look mommy I made a thread about killing families and children with a frog

How does the frog help in that?

it improves the post depending on the frog you choose

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Have they still not taking Kieyev? Why is it taking so long? I thought they took all the time they wanted building up on the border so they could blitz with full force and constant resupply, why are they so bogged down when they had all possible initiative?


They were counting on awe, but no shock.

Two more weeks.

Scooby van got a flat tire

Zoinks monkebros....