Brazilians with iberian (lesser europeans), black and native blood think they are white and westerners

Brazilians with iberian (lesser europeans), black and native blood think they are white and westerners

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Come home Moorish man

Iberians are BL/\CK, what makes monkeys think having portuguese dna makes them white?
I really don't get n*w worlders

the sudaca seethe never stops


it's just a couple of race obsessed retards, they gather at /bra/ and they're annoying as fuck

>Próprios ocidentais dizem "brasileiros macacos não são ocidentais"
>bostileiro "é claro que nós somos!! Buaaaaaaaa!! Se não concorda é preto!!! Buaaaa!"


i don't care about race, i just want leaders who actually fight for our nation's and people's best interests

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Entao para de lamber bota de gringo por atenção e passe a se orgulhar da tua história e sangue

eu já faço isso, anão. Você estar puto só mostra insegurança, tem que ser mais tranquilo (mas sem esmorecer)

I don't have black ancestry, and why would I want to be white? I'm an iberian- italian mutt


>passe a se orgulhar da tua história e sangue
Sim, eu me orgulho de ser ítalo-germânico.

Krl, luquinhas, tu é chato pra porra

Why Brazilians can't be Western?

argentino bros think they are white european


Brazil is not westerner

>o cara tá usando vpn para bumpar a própria thread

Cade o Brasil na lista??

Au début du xxie siècle, on admet généralement que l'« Occident » regroupe l'Europe occidentale (c'est-à-dire l'Union européenne et l'Association européenne de libre-échange [AELE]), le Canada, les États-Unis[2],[3], l'Australie et la Nouvelle-Zélande.

Cependant certains pays sont fréquemment associés à la notion d'Occident : l'Europe de l'Ouest et l'Europe centrale, mais aussi les anciennes colonies d'Outre-mer majoritairement peuplées d'Européens (Amérique du Nord, Australie et Nouvelle-Zélande)

My nipples are pink and my skin is light