Your cunt

your cunt
what did you give to your mom on the international women's day?

my immeasurable love

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I wished her well

i'd also give your mom some love

A gentle kiss on the vulva


>that gap between the boobas
big no

Nothing. And i don't care.

>not wanting to fuck his mother
go back to wherever you came from immigrant

I congratulated her on being a woman

Got my cousin pregnant and announced it

She's got Mother's Day and a Birthday. I ain't obligated to do shit on other days.

only on mother day you dumb fuck

this so much this

I baked for her!

Flowers. Wanted to give her мимoзa but instead gived her бeлыe тюльпaны.


Nothing. It's not a thing

Invite her to dinner since its also her birthday though she would rather spend time with her grandkids most of the tine

does your mom know you're homosexual?

Moms are great

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i love your mom already

It's not a real holiday it's probably a jewish one mothers day and birthday or BUST i wish my mom was hot and had a different personality I'd definitely molest a hot mom

And I yours.
She was so docile and tight. SwpxjYee haw!